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Because Jackie is a speaker, teacher, wholelicious cooking coach, food blogger, contributor to Sophie Magazine, ministry leader and more, she has testimonials from a variety of people.

Amanda Cedillo, Willow Spring, NC

“I discovered your blog through All You magazine.  I felt compelled to email you and let you know how your coaching has inspired me! I wasn’t sure where to start, but after your presentation, I feel like I am wasting less food, saving money, and eating well! I especially love your recipes for homemade sauces that are easy to prepare, freeze well and go with other recipes."

Brandette Winblad, Greenwood, IN

"I just had to tell you yet again what a blessing your blog is to me and my family. You have single-handedly helped me keep in a better grocery budget, cook delicious and easy meals, and show me what being a wonderful mom is through providing our families with these glorious recipes. Thank you so much for all you do, I would be sad without you!"


Kirsten Fuchs, Fletcher, NC

Laurie Schott, Washington, DC

"I wanted to share what an inspiration you have been. You do such a wonderful job of combining the healthy eating with fast ways to gets meals on the table and STILL you find ways to share with others.  Over the months I have thought of your cook any play ministry and wondered how I might do something in my own church to help serve others."


Kim Mathieu, Asheville, NC

“EVERY question that I went into that room with was answered! I know the Lord put Jackie in my life for that EXACT moment.  I made all of the changes that she taught us and added a few more just based on the knowledge that she equipped me with.  My child is a new child!”

"Freezer Fairy's Jackie Brown does an incredible job of making my life easier by allowing me to have delicious, wholesome pre-made meals available in my freezer. My family enjoys the meals and I enjoy the low-cost, ease and convenience of 'real wholelicious foods'. Thank you, Jackie for making my busy life a little less so."

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